7 Most Common Pests in San Diego

San Diego’s temperate climate means that many household pests thrive year-round. While most common pests can prove to be problematic for most homeowners and renters, we find these top 7 pest most regularly for households and interior spaces. Whether you are dealing with a small outbreak or a full on infestation, our guide can help you determine the best path forward. If you need immediate pest control anywhere in San Diego County, contact us and we can help.

7 Most Common Household Pests

Pest Patrol’s list of common household pests:

  1. Ants

    These hexapod (6-legged) insects hold the top spot for household pests in San Diego. Their small size and well-organized colony structure make them a persistent pest for homes throughout San Diego county. Small crevices, wood dry rot, and window and door openings are all portals of entry for argentine ants – the black or brown ants attracted to sugar and exposed foods. Get ant control in San Diego for household infestations.

    Trail of ants crawling on a tile kitchen countertop
    Argentine Ants
  2. Termites

    These destructive household bugs can go undetected in many homes until significant damage has been done. Termites live off the nutrients in wood and need a steady supply of water to thrive. Look for discarded wings, mud tubes and frass as telltale signs of termites. If you need termite treatment and prevention, we can help.

  3. Cockroaches

    The German cockroach is the most common species of cockroach in San Diego. These pests are significantly smaller than the American cockroach seen on the East Coast. Their smaller size does not downplay the fact that they can be a major household pest of San Diegans. These common urban pests are attracted to food and like to live in kitchen prep areas, pantries and under appliances looking for scraps. Bait traps are available but a professional cockroach treatment plan can help with larger infestations

  4. Spiders

    While spiders, for the most part, keep to themselves, their poisonous bites and unsightly spiderwebs warrant a spot on this list. Black widows and brown recluses aren’t as common in San Diego as orb spiders but you should always identify a spider before making contact. If you’re not sure what spider species is in your house, contact a spider exterminator.

    brown widow spider
    Brown Widow
  5. Mosquitoes

    Rainy season can cause a spike in mosquito activity but the reality is that they are a year-round pest due the the mild climate in San Diego. The Yellow Fever and Asian Tiger mosquitoes are not native to California but arrived in the last decade due to climate changes.

  6. Fleas

    San Diego is a very pet-friendly and therefore, flea-friendly town. Dogs and cats can all house fleas and an infestation can be a time and labor intensive process. In fact, San Diego has more fleas than any other city in the country¹. If you notice fleas in your home, get professional flea control as soon as possible.

    flea san diego
    Household flea
  7. Bed Bugs

    Bed bugs are another common house bug that are difficult to detect due to their small size and reclusive nature. Due to the sensitive nature of the bed-bug habitat, EPA-friendly bed bug treatments are recommended to handle infestations. If you or a family member suspect bed bugs in your home, don’t wait, get professional bed bug consultation by calling Pest Patrol.

Contact Pest Patrol Today for All Common Household Pests


¹https://www.sdhumane.org/about-us/news-center/stories/pest-patrol.html citing original article: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-08-27-nc-6532-story.html

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